Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Confession of a typical college student... or perhaps not a typical college student...
1. Obviously, number one would be The Office
2. This one almost ties with The Office: Psych
3. Monk- fortunately/unfortunately, this season was the series finale of Monk so it will no longer be on TV. But I do have all the seasons...
4. Modern Family- funny show
5. Community- I credit this one to Danielle
6. 30 Rock- because I love Tina Fey
7. Parks and Recreation- because I love Amy Poehler
8. Lie to Me- I love this show... fantastic... love the accents!
9. Glee- this show is so interesting and it gives me laughs every week.
So now you can see that I had a lot of free time to watch all of these shows. I promise that this semester I will do better to challenge myself and take harder classes.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Long Time No Write
1. I love traveling- my goal is to one day travel the world (hopefully with a husband ;) and visit every temple. I want to go all over and experience everything the world has to offer.
2. I love my family- even though they all have their flaws I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world.
3. I love my roommates. I have heard my fair share of horror stories about roommates. I lucked out definitely :) Aurelia and Kels have become two of my best friends.
4. I love to cook. I am going to put a cookbook together while I am in college and publish it. I like reading cookbooks and sometimes recipes can be too elaborate or expensive for college students. So, I am going to put one together specifically for college students.
5. I love pictures. I haven't been good lately about taking pictures but I am going to catch up on some soon and I love looking at pictures my friends and others take.
6. Soon, I am going to put a list together of everything "Morgan". I want to make sure I write down everything that I come up with because there aren't many people I can talk to... so, I want to write it down... this probably doesn't make any sense at all, but oh well!
7. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love picking things out for people and seeing their faces when they open it. It is also a whole month long holiday if you really think about it so, why wouldn't it be the coolest holiday?
8. I love going to the gym. It not only is helping me get into shape but it gives me more energy. I may not especially like it when I am there but afterwards I feel so much better.
9. I want to go on a mission. I have decided that I need to start saving for one, in case it is what my Heavenly Father has in store for me. So, I am going to.
10. I need a job :)
Well, I hope this is sufficient... I must go now, and play Wii with my brothers! Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sniffles and Lawn Mowers
That's all.
P.S. I hate being sick and everything that comes along with it :(
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hmmm... Just Some Sunday Pondering...
So basically if you haven't already heard, President Monson came and spoke at a devotional at BYU! YAY! It was so overwhelming to be able to see and hear the prophet speak directly to you. It was a totally different experience being able to see him speak directly rather than hear him on TV or on the radio... So yes... it just made me super-duper excited for general conference... I can't believe its THIS WEEKEND! AHH! Super exciting! But yes... just thought i would share that with ya'll...
Another thing I have been thinking about lately. I really need to start making sure I read my scriptures and say my prayers everyday. And with a temple so close, I need to make it a priority to go every week. So basically I need to do this!
President Monson! Yes we were that close!
The line was forming... It was so long...
Me, Julia, and Bethanie... the three amigos who camped out starting at 6 in the morning!
Julia and I waiting in line... listening to some tunes.
Bethanie and I... waiting in line...
Livin the Life
I have been super busy lately, so now that I have a chance, I will update my many readers on my life thus far at BYU. I have two amazing roommates, Kelsie Carver and Aurelia Andrews. They are a total blast to be around. Haha. My classes are going good, overwhelming at times but I am loving them for the most part. I am taking Music 101, Biology 100, Sociology 100, and New Testament. They are fun- I have Biology and New Testament with my cousin Jeremiah and I have Sociology and Music with Mikelle. Fun times. In October, I start my Nursing 180 class which should be ultra fun. My ward is amazing too, I was called as the Relief Society 1st Counselor and it is definitely a ton of work. I thought Young Womens was a lot of work but this is insane! So many meetings! But I am having a blast doing it- the other sisters in the presidency are so much fun! So yeah, just a little update on my life and how I am doing!
Paige and me... I seriously haven't seen this girl since I was a beehive! Great times!
Jeremiah and I. He kind of needed to shave lol... But he looks like Danny from Grease in this pic! Haha...
Mike, Marci, Jordan. John, my awesome roommate Kelsie and me... at the Fall Fest... total blast!
Me putting my STELLAR orange KitchenAid mixer to good use!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
So yesterday marked the fourth year since my father has passed away. I wasn't sure quite what I should do, because I was all by myself. I prayed about it and I ended up having actually a really good day. I baked chocolate chip cookies, because I always remember my dad eating the cookie dough while my mom and I were baking cookies... and she would always get mad at him... Then Kelsie (my roommate) and I watched Bedknobs and Broomsticks because I always used to watch that with my family and it tends to remind me of my dad. Then I went to the Provo temple. That was so cool because I was able to take pictures (below) of the temple... I think our temples are so pretty. But I took a few pictures of my CTR ring at the temple because it is so special to me. My dad actually ordered my ring for me a few days before he passed away and I didn't know about it until it came... so I guess you can say that it was his last gift to me. Then I came home and watched The Princess Bride with John and Kelsie. A great ending to a hard but rewarding day. Then today I got up the nerve to give blood! AHH! I am so afraid of needles... and I figure that I need to get rid of that fear if I want to become a nurse. And, my dad always used to give blood because we have a rare blood and he felt it was his "duty". So I made him proud the last couple of days and I know that he is proud of me for being at BYU... so there... my last two days basically in a nutshell...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Goodbye Vegas, Hello Provo!
But yes... I am mucho excited because tonight my Mom and I are going to go eat food and then go on a Provo adventure! Shall be fun! Whoo Hoo! Talk to ya'll soon!
Friday, August 7, 2009
My Favorite Thing #4
So my next favorite thing is my brand new Photoshop Elements 7... It is wonderful and these are a few of the pictures I edited so far! I think they are pretty cool...I love pictures and taking them and this is just making them even better.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Important Folks In My Life
-My mom... for everything she does for me all the time...
-My brothers... we have so much fun together and will dearly miss them
-The girls in my ward... they always seem to cheer me up and they are an example to me...
-My leaders... they have grown to be my friends and I enjoy the guidance they provide me with.. -Corey Paris... he is one of my best friends and a crack up to be around... from shopping together to singing along with Elton to playing tennis... he is always a joy...
-Tuesday... my twinner bff... we have so much fun together and we never have to worry about whether or not the other will like something... it is like we share a brain
-Kristen and Ashley- we have had so many fun memories and talks in the car before school and sleepovers and especially work with Kristen... it is always a blast...
-Josh and Lincoln- haha Lincoln is like the older brother I never had... lol he is always honest and keeps me on track (for the most part) and Josh... oh Josh... first of all I will miss making fun of him everyday... it always puts a smile on my face! and I will miss all of the silly things he does... like bringing in a picture of Zac Efron totally out of the blue... and him complaining all the freaking time... haha...
So yeah thats pretty much it... this was all inspired by work today and Corey leaving and me buying my ONE-WAY plane ticket... and realizing that I really do need to clean my room! haha... Work today... especially lunch was what topped it all off... I don't know what it was about it... but I just cried like a baby! haha dumb I know but its my life so don't judge lol...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Favorite Thing #3
JOHN KRASINSKI!!!! Ok, he is a man who needs no introduction... haha... but he plays Jim Halpert on The Office.. I LOVE HIM!!! All of the actors help to write their characters on the show and this guy is just my favorite... His relationship with Pam is just so cute and it makes you want one of him for yourself... And he is completely sexy.... haha... I was my wish at Girl's Camp to be on The Office and to marry him and it was hilarious what Sister Payne did to make it come true... It did haha... and I am married to him now... IF ONLY! But yep... he's one of my favorite things! That sexy beast!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Oblivious Movie Ticket Buyer... HELP!
The Mound
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Favorite Thing #1 and 2
So confession... I love Costco... every time I go I discover something new... For instance... This weekend my family bought this big tub of chicken salad... made at Costco, and I LOVE chicken salad. So this morning I took some chicken salad to work and I got so excited when I got there that I just ate my chicken salad for breakfast. And then I ended up eating chicken salad for every other meal the rest of the day. So yep... I guess this can be two of my favorite things. haha...
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Amazing Leaders... I Love and Will Miss Them So Much
-President Gordon B. Hinckley
So many things have been happening lately that have caused me to stop and ponder about the last 4 years. I have had a lot of personal challenges throughout high school, and my leaders in young womens have been there every step of the way. On Sunday in our ward, Ashley, Tori, and I were "welcomed" into Relief Society. What was even more depressing was that they were telling us that unlike how in young womens you are there for 6 years and then you move on, there is no moving on once you are in Relief Society. You are there UNTIL YOU DIE! Well, I have had some amazing leaders in the past and I have just been thinking about all of the stuff they have done for me and the sacrifices they have made for all of the girls in our ward.
Sister McArthur is first up on the list of amazing leaders. Affectionately known as "squirrel" and "Big Mac", this lady has taught the lessons in Laurels. They are amazing and almost every week she had me crying (which is hard to do!) She is so inspirational and I love her to death. And now she is pregnant again! So exciting. The genuine love she has for all the girls she teaches is just extraordinary. She even loves you if you eat her apples. She has helped me to be more proactive and to love myself. She sees such a light in every girl she teaches and it comes across every time you talk to her.
Sister Davis is so amazing too! She is such a great person. Despite her fantastic hair skills, she is not afraid to get down and have fun with all the girls! She was always in young women but she was never actually my leader. She is so hilarious and a kick to be around. She has also taught me a lesson in learning. She is so talented in hair and she recently had the opportunity to go back to hair school. She is doing amazing in her studies while balancing her church responsibilities and her responsibilities as a wife and mother.
(Sister Payne, Sister Clayton, Sister Simpson) This is an amazing pic... I have used it before because these women have such a light about them that just radiates onto everyone around them. I think that this picture just captures that perfectly.Sister Payne has to be my absolute favorite. We are definitely "Sisters from different Mistas". She is just outstanding. I hope that someday I can have the scrapbooking skills that this woman has. Along with those stellar skills, she has amazing patience- something that I am so weak at. Also, I have gotten to know her husband better too. Just seeing them together, and the love he has for her is just astounding. He will drive round trip like 10 miles just to go buy her a diet coke with lime from Sonic. He is always thinking of her and what will make her happy. I am so using him and my dad as guidelines for my husband someday. But not only that, Sister Payne is so freaking hilarious. She has never actually been my leader either, but she loves all the girls, so I guess I was included in that. She is so creative and organized and I hope someday I can be like her.
Sister Clayton is such an inspiration as well. Despite all that she has gone through, she still is the YW President and is an excellent one at that. What she has gone through has only strengthened her. Like Eleanor Roosevelt said, "A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water." This quote first reminds me of my mother and then second, reminds me of Sister Clayton. I have a great love for this woman- when I served as Laurel President, she only taught me how to serve with love. She is so amazing. When I first found out they were releasing Sister Simpson as Young Women President, I didn't know what I was going to do. My heart sunk. No joke. But when they announced Sister Clayton was called as Young Women President, I was relieved. I remember her amazing lessons as a Mia Maid and I was just so overjoyed to have her in Young Womens again.
Sister Simpson is a great woman too. She and Sister Clayton are sisters. I remember when she was called as Young Womens President a bunch of us went to go heart attack her house. We indeed got caught however, by her husband who is a cop. Dang, it was all Colby's fault. Here's a picture of it because I remember we got all dressed up and were so stoked about the night... we just had to take pictures. Haha... the only picture I could find was of myself, but Tori and Ashley looked great too...
This woman is so funny and I love how she always thinks I am hilarious, because I totally am not! lol But I absolutely love her to death!
Last but most certainly not least... Sister Nish. She is such an amazing woman. I have been able to get closer to her especially over the past year and a half. At girls camp last year I really got to know her and Casey better. I loved Casey so much and it was so sad to see him go- but he is so in a better place now. Her children are so strong too. I have had the opportunity to babysit them for the past few years and Lani asked me to help them after Casey passed away. I felt that it was only a small thing I could do to be there for them after everything Lani and Casey had done for me. She is so strong and takes everything that comes her way. She is incredible and I absolutely love her to death!
So these amazing women have impacted me so much in my life and I definitely would not be the same without them in it. I will be so indebted to them and the service they have provided me. I am so grateful for the lessons and everything these women have done for me. They have taught me how to live my life and how to be more Christlike. They have changed my life and I will miss them all so much when I leave for school. I will miss hanging out with them, texting them, and seeing them every week! I love you guys!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!