1. I am deathly afraid of birds. I highly enjoy looking at them and wearing jewelry with them on it but I hate encountering them. They are scary and I am always afraid that I am going to be attacked.
2. I love Disney movies. I mean who doesn't right? But the thing is, they are pretty amazing! I cannot decide which one is my favorite... I think its Aladdin at the moment, but that might be since I watched it tonight!
3. I love pictures. and weddings... haha, if I could just plan weddings I would. They are just so great and can be so catered to each couple. And I love looking at pictures... and taking them too!
4. I love being happy. It is definitely the best. Whenever I am happy I am always trying to convince myself that I shouldn't be happy. But why not? Being happy is so wonderful!
5. Speaking of being happy, I am definitely NOT a morning person. AHH! Lately it has been worse... haha. I am just too cranky when I wake up in the morning!
6. Movies and TV shows are my escape. I waste time watching TV shows and movies... but I have discovered that it is my release from the world. Not only are they entertaining but they put you into a world that isn't your own.
7. I hate writing in a journal. I have to do it for English and it just isn't working out for me... so I plan on continuing to blog my little heart out!
8. Fast Sundays are my least favorite... haha. All I can focus on is the fact that I haven't eaten anything and then I just start fantasizing about what I am going to eat when I get home. I know that this is probably just because I am human and I need to work on this.
9. There are a lot of things I need to work on. Especially my scripture reading. This week I am going to challenge myself to read my scritures everyday... maybe someone will read this and I will be accountable to them ;)
10. I love building snowmen! I built a HUGE one for the first time this week with Chas and Kelsie and Josh and some others from the ward and it was fantastic. I loved it! It does make your hands freezing though! Here are a couple of pics...

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