Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you packin?!

This is seriously THE cutest frog EVER... This new species was just discovered in Borneo and they are super tiny! They cover about 1/4 of a pinky nail and they were just discovered this week. I think its truly amazing how we still are discovering new species of animals. These little creatures were found in the pitcher plants that gather water. It just made me take a step back and realize how amazing our world is and how intricate and beautiful it is.

Cause Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night

So... I found a couple wedding dresses I LOVE... and I am normally not the one to be all mormon-meets-crazy-bride and all but I just had to share.

This one I love... a little bit of inspiration for me...

Now this next dress I completely fell in love with when I saw. I got a magazine to look through for picture ideas and my mom was looking through it and said that this dress reminded her of me... and its totally true. I haven't found a dress since that quite fits me... So perhaps in a couple years, you will see me in it... haha